The Centre for Healing Blog


Supporting Integration During and After EP Sessions co-regulation healing melbourne integration nervous system spiritual healing melbourne spiritualhealing trauma informed trauma sensitive trauma therapy Jan 16, 2024

I've been offering 1:1 sessions in this kind of work for about 5 years. I'm continually learning and refining my skills. It's become more and more important and interesting to me, to support...

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Alexandra Corless Interviews Ryan Hassan about Embodied Processing embodied processing embodiment nervous system spiritual healing melbourne trauma informed trauma therapy traumahealing traumarecovery Sep 06, 2023

In a world where the complexities of mental health and trauma often remain shrouded in myths and misconceptions, it's essential to hear from experts who are dedicated to making a...

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8 Ways to Attract Healing Clients business healing healing melbourne nervous system spiritual healing melbourne trauma informed trauma therapy Feb 27, 2023

Here are 8 Ways to Attract Healing Clients:

  • Your own unique vision of healing ‘x’ amount of people making a certain impact on the planet needs to be stronger than your ego self. Catch...
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How To Use Your Intuition business healing melbourne intuition life guidance melbourne mentor soul spiritual healing melbourne Aug 07, 2016

Your intuition can be such a powerful tool in all areas of your life.

I was inspired to write this from a conversation today with my mum. She was feeling emotional and couldn’t make sense or...

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Raise Your Vibrational Frequency emotionalhealing spiritual healing melbourne spiritualhealing traumahealing traumarecovery Jun 04, 2016

If you are on the path of raising your vibration then this practical list will help you in-between your healing sessions or on your new spiritual journey. 

As you take on more light (or more...

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The Healing Hangover - My personal experience emotionalhealing spiritual healing melbourne spiritualhealing traumahealing traumarecovery Apr 21, 2016

If you have experienced a healing before, you may be aware of the healing hangover during the integration period.

When I first experienced this for myself, I was not warned about how I would...

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What Is Spirituality emotionalhealing spiritual healing melbourne spiritualhealing traumahealing traumarecovery Jan 21, 2016

How is spirituality different to being religious?  That is a question that we are often asked, and to answer as simply as possible here is a run down of what we believe to be true...

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The Ultimate Trauma Therapy Checklist.

11 Steps to Client Success - Get it for FREE Now!
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