Raise Your Vibrational Frequency
Jun 04, 2016
If you are on the path of raising your vibration then this practical list will help you in-between your healing sessions or on your new spiritual journey.
As you take on more light (or more of your soul) into your body, your nervous system needs to upgrade to integrate these new positive energies.
Here is a list of things that you can incorporate into your life to assist with raising your vibration and enhancing the amount of light your body can absorb.
We have also added some tips on what to avoid, but as you raise your vibration, these will come naturally to you;
- Eat as healthy as possible. Whenever you go out to a cafe, grab a green juice instead of a coffee. Replace dairy with coconut oil, milk and other alternatives. Reduce meat intake and increase raw fruits and veggies.
- Stop watching the news. As your vibration increases, you will naturally be more sensitive to negativity as your walls come down and heal. Watching programs that induce fear and violence will decrease your vibration, so avoid these as much as possible. Increase documentaries and audio’s that further your knowledge, maybe a few comedies – as life should be about joy and everyone loves a good laugh 😀
- Move. Get a few more steps into your day. Park the car a little further, take a walk around the park at lunch or do some light weights at the gym. Pop one of your favourite tracks on and have a dance in the shower. It's a great way to shift any stuck energy to uplift your mood.
- Turn up the heat. Find a local sauna or steam room. This is a great space to meditate and will help eliminate toxins from years of exposure to toxins through food, alcohol and drugs that have been stored in your fat cells. It is also a great way to boost your immune system and get your skin organ working more effectively.
- Slow down your mind. There are different ways to meditate. You can meditate in the shower, watch a candle burn, or just do deep breathing exercises. This opens up your intuition and allows a clearer channel for your soul to come in.
- Physical structure. If your skeleton is not in alignment then it may be blocking certain parts of your nervous system and creating an imbalance with the energy coming in. These blockages can be experienced as pain or ad posture. Do things like stretching, yoga and see a chiropractor in your local area who can make these adjustments safely.
- Stop getting a 'false' high. One of the best outcomes of your vibration rising is that you get to experience natural highs. To have the best chance of being able to raise your frequency to this point, you will have to cut out all types of drugs, such as painkillers, anti-depressants, alcohol and illegal substances. These cause a major interference with your higher self and creates toxicity and accelerated aging in the body.
- Listen to frequencies. As we are vibrational frequencies, we can be influenced positively or negativity by these frequencies around us. To benefit frequencies and raise your vibrations listen to isotronic beats, binaural beats and guided meditations which are around 400hz and higher (higher than your current frequency is best). If you would like your frequency to be checked and personal advice on how you can best raise your frequency then please don’t hesitate to book in a session with one of our qualified practitioners here.
- Spend time in nature. Sit on the grass. Breath in the fresh air and walk along the beach whenever you can. Green in itself is a healing colour and when you take in that energy the human physical aspect of you balances out as it starts to be in the rhythm with nature which will allow you to feel more grounded and connected.
These are just some really practical and basic tips that you can apply in your everyday life.
Remember, we are a spiritual being having a human experience 😉
Written by Melissa Hiemann
Co-founder at The Centre for Healing.
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