The Centre for Healing Blog


Harnessing the Power of Intuition integration intuition manifestation manifesting success Jul 22, 2024

Intuition, often described as a “gut feeling” or an “inner voice,” is a form of knowledge that goes beyond the conscious mind. It allows us to make decisions without needing...

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Supporting Integration During and After EP Sessions co-regulation healing melbourne integration nervous system spiritual healing melbourne spiritualhealing trauma informed trauma sensitive trauma therapy Jan 16, 2024

I've been offering 1:1 sessions in this kind of work for about 5 years. I'm continually learning and refining my skills. It's become more and more important and interesting to me, to support...

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Safety & Integration embodied processing integration nervous system safety soma somatic trauma Aug 11, 2022

We often talk about Safety as an essential quality when it comes to healing trauma, but as with all language and wording people have their own presuppositions and perspectives on the word.

We may...

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Healing as a Lifestyle embodied processing embodiement healing integration presence resource trauma traumahealing Jul 25, 2022

In the western world we have a very “quick fix” attitude which in my experience in my time in this field is one of the biggest blocks to transformation.

When we have a headache we take...

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Integration & Evolution embodied processing integration somatic Apr 11, 2022

Human beings can be extremely complex.

The ever deepening unconscious layers of threads and structures that govern the orientation of each individual are seemingly infinite, every moment a...

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Relationship to Anger anger attachment children dysregulation emotional energy emotional healing integration Mar 28, 2022

Anger is quite often quoted to me as the most difficult emotion for people to experience.

When we are children the energy and expression of anger is more often than not met with disdain, even...

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The Importance of Safety in Healing embodied processing embodiement emotional healing healing integration resource safety soma somatic Mar 28, 2022

"Safety is Healing" - Dr Stephen Porges

When someone has accumulated many traumatic imprints throughout their life, with no skills to regulate or process then the nervous system loses its sense of...

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5 Techniques for Processing Emotions anger breathwork embodied processing embodiement emotional attunement emotions grief integration limiting beliefs pendulation Mar 28, 2022

"The State that we're in & the Emotions we're Experiencing will dictate the course of our Lives"

When we came into this world we started learning many things.
Crawling, walking, talking,...

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