The Centre for Healing Blog


5 Techniques for Processing Emotions

anger breathwork embodied processing embodiement emotional attunement emotions grief integration limiting beliefs pendulation Mar 28, 2022

"The State that we're in & the Emotions we're Experiencing will dictate the course of our Lives"

When we came into this world we started learning many things.
Crawling, walking, talking, socialising, sport, eating, etc...

One thing most of us didn't learn was how to properly process emotions.
This is no ones fault, if our parents knew they would of taught us.

If you're reading this then it's safe for me to assume that you're on a personal growth journey and/or working in the field of helping others.
On that path, early on, we realise that our emotions are controlling our life.

If we want to start to master our life we must first master our emotions.

This doesn't mean we don't have emotional reactions, for this is part of being a human being.
It means being able to contain them and not get lost in their energy.

In the above video we discuss different techniques for processing emotions, both from day to day life and from our past.
The underlying theme they all have is that we Turn Toward instead of turning away.

They are:
- Pendulation & Cohabitation
- Dimmer Switch
- Merging & Distancing
- Belief Investigation
- Rhythmic Breathing

Also discussed is working specifically with Anger & Grief.

Ryan Hassan (Co-Founder at The Centre for Healing)

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