SIGN UP NOW & RECEIVE A LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT of the most misunderstood forms of human suffering

We have to redefine trauma, and we have to deepen our understanding of it if we are going to truly heal it. It is the driver behind so much of our dysfunction as human beings, yet we are unaware of how deeply it runs within us as a collective.


Trauma has to be one of the most misunderstood forms of human suffering and underlies many mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and addiction.

For a long time therapists, psychologists and other mental health practitioners have been attempting to resolve trauma using the cognitive mind, but recent studies have shown that the effects of trauma are stored within the body.
Meaning trauma is not only a psychological issue, it is an issue that affects the whole system.
Trauma is not a disorder, it is an adaptation.
Our nervous system adapts to feeling unsafe, it adapts to traumatic circumstances until we are left with a baseline and undercurrent of impending doom and a deficient sense of self.

We have to redefine trauma, and we have to deepen our understanding of it if we are going to truly heal it. It is the driver behind so much of our dysfunction as human beings, yet we are unaware of how deeply it runs within us as a collective.

Once we understand something and approach it with the correct perspective we can begin to make positive changes and heal something that is causing so much damage to our individual psyche, our collective psyche, our society as a whole and also our planet.

By not understanding trauma we're missing the biggest piece of the puzzle in healthcare today (not just mental healthcare).
We're stuck treating symptoms and not getting to the root cause of what's happening in ourselves and others.

The purpose of this course is to bring about a deeper understanding of trauma and how it shapes all areas of our lives.

What you will gain...


A new understanding of trauma as part of the human condition
The affect trauma has on someone's core beliefs, worldview & life
Ways to successfully heal trauma and live a full life

What we will cover... 

Module 1 - Redefining Trauma

  • Why we need to redefine Trauma

  • What we once thought of as trauma

  • Catastrophic Events

  • Subtle Trauma

  • Trauma as an underlying driver of mental health issue


Module 2 - Trauma & The Body

  • What happens in the brain in a catastrophic event

  • Trauma as an adaptation of the system

  • How childhood trauma shapes our lives

  • The Somatic Experience of Trauma

  • The System Stuck in FFF

  • Being Disembodied

  • Returning to the body

  • Somatic Energetic Imprints from the past

  • Trauma and the bodies survival instinct

Module 3 - How Trauma Shapes Our Core Beliefs, Worldview & Identity

  • How Trauma Creates A False Identity

  • How Trauma Shapes our World View

  • List of Core Beliefs Around Trauma

  • Deficient Sense of Self

  • Trauma as a Driver

  • Unconscious Networks

  • Unprocessed Pain

Module 4 - Trauma & Society

  • How social structures perpetuate trauma

  • How trauma drives our political world

  • How trauma underpins domestic violence

  • How trauma underpins Wars

  • Racial Trauma

  • Collective Trauma

Module 5 - Misunderstandings About Trauma Treatment

  • How people have misunderstood trauma in the past

  • When practitioners haven’t resolved their own trauma

  • The client needs to feel safe

  • The energetic exchange when we can’t sit with someone’s emotional state

  • Why cognitive based therapies are not suitable for trauma

  • Genealogical trauma (Epigenetic's)
  • Family patterns (genes or learned)

Module 6 - Healing Trauma

  • Healing Modalities For Trauma
  • When The Survival Instinct Hijacks Healing
  • Somatic Work
  • Deconstructing the false Identity
  • Working with the body
  • Creating a safe environment for healing
  • Emergency Measures
  • When the Nervous system Floods
  • Healing the Nervous System
  • Coming back to sensation
  • Integration

Bonus Module - Neuroscience of Trauma

  • Polyvagal Theory
  • The Polyvagal Model of Addictions
  • The Hippocampus During Trauma
  • Implicit & Explicit Memory
  • The Bottom Up Approach
  • False Memory

Understanding Trauma - Online Course

For a limited time you can get lifetime access to the full course for
$297 NOW $147 AUD



This is the way forward for addiction and trauma therapy.
I've been fortunate to have participated in a few short courses conducted by Ryan and his colleague, Matt Nettleton. Their honest, vulnerable and no BS delivery of, what is, in my opinion the most effective and compassionate therapy for trauma and addiction, is outstanding. These two blokes are real. They've lived it. They're now giving new hope to those who have found 'traditional' modalities and methods to be unsuccessful. I have so much respect for the work that they do. Love and light :)


An incredible way to become more aware, reflective, & empowered to create the life you want to create for yourself. Have absolutely loved delving into the Investigating your Relationship to Life Course. Matt & Ryan are able to explain things so eloquently in their own unique ways & are truly able to complement each other in the best ways. Excited to see what more I will learn in this space - keep up the wonderful work!! :


It was a pleasure to do this course. It brought about a bit of a breakthrough with some of my C-PTSD behaviour and mechanisms and I have genuinely benefited from this exercise. Ryan and his team are paving the way to help those where other avenues fail and this is truly a wonderful feat. Thank you for inviting me to partake in this course.


Thanks Guys - you're beautifully unpacking the overall framework, belief system and key concepts by constantly reminding us about everything is everything and everything is connected now and over all time. To me the no blame/judgement principle is really important here and this sessions places us back central to understanding this in our own lives to do our own work first but conceptually enabling us to hold each other. Your personal stories touch on my own trauma and how I've used other more socially acceptable means to deal with it - the addiction spectrum is brilliant - peace and take care.


Thanks once again, you blow my mind with the way you connect the understanding of what you are teaching with those questions you pose and how it seems to unlock a previously misunderstood concept. I really get such big revelations out of what you teach, so appreciative to learn this stuff


Thank you for another great, thought-provoking module. Everything you cover makes so much sense & that’s a credit to both of you in how you present. I can relate personally to the concepts covered & can better understand how patients I see in my practice may view themselves. Really enjoying all that’s been covered so far.

A bit about us 

Ryan Hassan

Co-Founder of The Centre for Healing

Matt Nettleton

Trauma Therapist

Understanding Trauma will do what the title says, but more than that, will shine a light on what it means to be a human.

Understanding Trauma - Online Course

For a limited time you can get lifetime access to the full course for
$297 NOW $147 AUD


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