$555.50 AUD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Terms and Conditions

1. Scope of Training: This training is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to facilitate Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coaching (TIMC). However, it does not qualify them to treat mental health conditions such as borderline personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder.

2. Refund Policy & Business Development: Please note that we do not offer refunds for our courses. Once certified, the onus of establishing a business and generating income from sessions rests solely with the student/practitioner.

3. Legal Compliance: It is the responsibility of students and practitioners to acquaint themselves with the regulatory bodies, codes of conduct, and laws applicable in their specific state, territory, or country when advertising their services and interacting with clients. 

4. Community Standards: Our trainers are committed to fostering a safe and harmonious community. Any violation of community standards may lead to expulsion from our platforms.

5. Practitioner Standards: We expect practitioners to adhere to a code of conduct when dealing with the public. This includes providing safe and ethical healthcare, obtaining informed consent for treatment, safeguarding clients from infection, minimizing harm, reporting concerns about fellow practitioners to trainers, maintaining appropriate records, complying with privacy laws, and ensuring they are covered by insurance.

6. Online Training Standards: Our training conforms to the latest online training standards, such as those outlined by the National Standards for Quality Online Learning. This encompasses the quality of online teaching, programs, and courses.

7. Liability & Legal Action: By signing up for the training, students agree that they are mentally and emotionally sound. They understand that we are not liable for any abreactions or issues arising from undergoing the training. Furthermore, they agree not to bring any legal action against us under any circumstances.

Service Agreement: Our trainings are grounded in years of personal experience, client sessions, alternative therapy training, and independent research. They are considered to be outside the realm of mainstream medical treatment. By agreeing to this training, you understand that the trainers are not medical professionals and TIMC is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or cure of any condition or disease. Receiving this training and certification does not qualify you as a medical professional. You agree not to advertise, give advice, or work with clients outside of your scope of practice unless you are also a medical professional. The Centre for Healing assumes no responsibility for any decisions made based on the information provided in the trainings and encourages students to seek alternative opinions and support when making significant decisions. The information and techniques in this training are based on the evolving field of somatic therapy, neuroscience, NLP and comply with Australian laws. The language and content within this training may vary based on laws in different countries or states. We provide a safe community for students to practice and receive support. The Centre for Healing and its trainers do not guarantee any business, therapeutic or personal outcome for every person and strongly advise consulting with a medical professional if experiencing any physical, medical or ongoing psychological issues.

Refund/Cancellation Policy: To safeguard our intellectual property and the trainers, we do not offer refunds on any of our courses. We trust that we attract students of high integrity. We believe that if you have felt drawn to enrol in a training, there is always a learning/lesson, whether it was in the training or within the process of obtaining the training. We also cannot cancel or pause a payment plan which you have committed to, once agreed to by enrolling. We appreciate your understanding.

Payment Plans: If you enter into a payment plan, all amounts are due and payable for the duration of the payment plan. We cannot cancel, pause or defer your repayments. We are taking on the risk by financing it for you and allowing you to pay over time, please respect the commitment.

By enrolling in the training, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions and acknowledging that you understand the potential benefits and risks associated with the training. You also agree that you are mentally and emotionally sound, and understand that we are not liable for any abreactions or issues arising from undergoing the training.

Furthermore, you agree not to bring any legal action against us under any circumstances. 



Manifestation Coach Certification - Payment Plan

Become a Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coach



Combining the best in coaching your clients on how to achieve their greatest visions, along with support in your own healing and abundance...

The Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coaching Certification training offers the latest techniques, knowledge and training in the coaching and LOA industry. 

Becoming Trauma-Informed is becoming one of the most important requirements for working with people at the moment, and we are excited to share this powerful and safe combination.

This training will not only expand your clients' potential and dramatically improve results (in a safe way), but you will also come away with a deep understanding of all the aspects involved in creating your own quantum leaps in life, finances, and business.

  • IICT & IAOTH Internationally Accredited Certification

  • Self-Paced Training

  • Easy to follow steps to start seeing clients as a coach upon completion confidently

Inclusions :

9 Comprehensive Modules

Practitioner Manual Guide

40 Video Lessons

Worksheets & Templates

Dedicated Student Community Area

Trainer Support (ask questions under each lesson)

Monthly Live Group Coaching (Lifetime Access!)