The Centre for Healing Blog


Addressing Childhood Trauma with Root-Cause Therapy childhood childhood trauma inner child root-cause therapy rootcausetherapy Jan 24, 2024

Addressing Childhood Trauma with Root-Cause Therapy



Childhood Trauma Statistics

Nearly 3 in 4 children - or 300 million children -...

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Deciding on which course to study? embodied processing manifestation root-cause therapy rootcausetherapy trauma informed trauma sensitive Nov 21, 2023

The meeting was held by Melissa and Ryan, the founders of The Centre for Healing to discuss the practitioner training programs that they offer. They offer internationally accredited training and...

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What is Root-Cause Therapy and How Can It Help? rct root-cause therapy rootcausetherapy Aug 16, 2023

What is Root-Cause Therapy and How Can It Help?

Root-Cause Therapy is a revolutionary healing method that aims to address the underlying causes of various mental and emotional issues, such as...

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The Mirroring Concept emotional healing generational healing rct root-cause therapy rootcausetherapy shadow work trauma informed trauma sensitive Sep 05, 2022

One of the concepts that we teach in Root-Cause Therapy is called Mirroring.

When we judge others (which is a natural human thing that we do as a part of our experience), it can become a key to...

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Behaviours Created from the Womb behaviour generational healing limiting beliefs root-cause therapy rootcausetherapy subconscious trauma unconscious womb Jun 29, 2022

Imagine for a moment that you’re in your mother's womb and you can hear your parents having an awful argument.

You feel your mother's anger, loneliness and hurt... as her emotions pump...

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What's the Difference Between Embodied Processing and Root-Cause Therapy? embodied processing healing practitioner root-cause therapy rootcausetherapy trainings trauma informed Dec 12, 2021

Click 'play' above to watch the video above which explains the main concepts of each modality and how they can work together.

Many people who find our work wonder where to start. Both of our...

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EMDR vs Root-cause Therapy Treatment Benefits emdr rootcausetherapy traumarecovery Aug 25, 2020

When it comes to treatment of mental health issues, such as depression, PTSD, anxiety and more it has been found over and over again that healing trauma can be effective in recovery of many...

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The Ultimate Trauma Therapy Checklist.

11 Steps to Client Success - Get it for FREE Now!
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