The Centre for Healing Blog
“A dysregulated adult will never regulate a dysregulated child” - Dr. Bruce Perry
In infancy the areas of the brain that govern self-regulation have not developed sufficiently for...
Over the last few weeks I discussed the development of having a separate identity and also in the article “What is Awakening?” I spoke about the shift of identity that can occur in an...
There are many definitions of awakening and over the years I have come to realise that a lot of the time when people are speaking about awakening they are talking about very different things. So...
There was a discovery made by Bruce Lipton where he found that every cell in our body has two switches. One side of the switch being shut down and surviving, the other side of the switch being...
Fight / Flight / Freeze / Fawn
I'm sure you've heard of these nervous system states at some point.
In the above video we talk about what that actually looks like inside the branches of the Autonomic...