The Centre for Healing Blog


What Is The Meaning Of Life

consciousness healing melbourne meaning of life rehab melbourne Jul 28, 2016
Life purpose

So you ask, what is the meaning of life?

More specifically we should be asking, what is the meaning of OUR life.

This is the age old question that many ask at different stages in their life. Some very young and some near the end of their life.

Why do we search for meaning anyway? Well, deep down, we want our lives to be meaningful – or of meaning.

Meaning gives us understanding, understanding gives us acceptance and certainty. Certainty of how special we are, what our own purpose is and to maybe have our lives have some meaning to others or a small impact in this world before leaving.

Let’s go even deeper into this questions of meaning…

Instead of asking for the meaning of life, we can ask “what is the purpose of life?”.  A broad answer is, the purpose of life is expansion. Expansion you ask? Well yes. The universe is ever expanding. The reason or purpose as to why we are here and why there is life coming through us, plants and animals on this planet is to experience an expansion of consciousness.

Expansion of consciousness, put more simply is growth.

That’s right, the purpose of life is to experience life and it’s different perspectives and experiences in order to grow – grow our and as a whole consciousness (the ability of the universe to experience it self).

Now, you may have asked this question one day while looking up at the stars, or even while you are in your deepest depths of despair – but what it all has in common is that we are either contracting or expanding. We are hear to expand our mind, our energy and connectedness with others.

When we are expanding, healing, learning, experiencing – whether perceived good or bad – we are in fact acting out the purpose or meaning of life. Even when you feel like you know your purpose but are met with walls, obstacles or devastation and you feel like you are off track, you are so often not as this is where growth is required – and that is the meaning of life and what we are here to do.


Remember, you are always on purpose.



Written by: Melissa Hiemann

Co-Founder of The Centre for Healing

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