The Centre for Healing Blog


What is Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coaching?

manifestation manifesting traumahealing May 04, 2022

 What is Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coaching?

Well, let’s start with, what manifestation is…

Manifestation is the process that is happening all the time for all of us. We are constantly manifesting what we want and don't want into our current experience. With our thoughts, emotions, visions and expectations, we are creating our own reality and allowing what we have or don’t have in it. 

I say "allow", because in past experiences, conditioning, family values and belief systems (red flags from our nervous system) we can limit how much ‘good’ or how much of what we want into our experience. (I learnt this the hard way!).

This is where being trauma-informed comes into play.

When we think about manifestation, which is thinking about and taking action towards what we want... the only part of us that would stop that is our human selves, our ancient nervous systems. Our nervous systems are geared towards safety and survival. It has been there through all of evolution and through all of the animal kingdom to keep us safe from harm. It focuses its energy on the potential danger.

So if on a heart and soul level we want to manifest say an amazing and abundant business to change the world, the nervous system and subconscious mind will bring forth all of the reasons, memories and other people's beliefs around it being risky, not safe etc 

So even though we may deeply and truly want and desire it ... we know that we would be so happy and that it would change the world, our trauma or avoidance of pain will block us from even getting started or continuing to take action on it. (It's not always the 'universe' not allowing us to have something).

This is where manifestation coaching comes in…

If you are someone who helps people in a healing or coaching capacity (helping your clients achieve certain outcomes or goals), then you need to take into account that most people will have blocks and painful past experiences, aka traumas (sometimes passed down or projected onto them) which could be getting in the way of their manifestations. 

You may know even for yourself that it is hard to see all of your blind spots as to why you may be feeling stuck, and the role of a coach and someone holding you and guiding you in a container and support is invaluable. 

A manifestation coach does several things to help clients by;
- Helping people to get clarity on their soul desires and purpose (not trauma-response/ego desires)
- Helping people safely and somatically work through any blocks to taking action on or allowing their manifestations to come into their reality (the nervous system needs to know it is safe to do so first! )
- Teaching people different concepts to help them day to day, like knowing the law of assumption, how and why vision boarding works etc
- Checking on all levels of consciousness (The Centre for Healing's philosophy) including information from the Akashic Records
- Helping people to stop doing 'busy work' and actions that feel like a waste of time, but rather take small actions that really move the needle
- Support, encourage, mentor and of course coach people to remember who they really are (creative and powerful beings)

For example, with me, I wanted to grow our business, but for some reason, we were blocking it (even though the expansion would mean more healing for the world and more ease in our family life).
My nervous system had been burnt out with work in the past (trauma), and I had conditioning that had yet to be dissolved from working on an hourly rate when I was an employee (time for money). So, my body was trying to protect me from what is perceived as unsafe for my health. It blocks any more from coming in.
When I shifted this, I was then able to realise that there were ways in which we could scale and work less but still increase the reach and growth of our business. It was now a safe possibility for my human self (so that we, as a team could take action on our souls calling to be of the highest service).

Another example with Lauren, my demonstration coaching client. She was wanting to increase the number of clients in her business. She knew this was her soul's calling and she could see the vision, but for some reason, she was procrastinating on it. She was stopping herself from taking action. When we dove into the trauma work, we somatically found blocks in herself from failing a past business, and found that her nervous system was trying to protect her from that again and the potential shame of what others would think of her if she failed again.
Once that was released, we checked in the Akashic Records on the other structures in her life which weren't in alignment with her desired goal... within the 4 sessions of working with me, she had the exact number of clients and the amount of money she wanted (plus a bit more).


Most courses or mastermind-type trainings of this calibre range from a minimum $8k-$20K or more!

So, if you have been thinking about it, either for your own personal development or for you to start or improve your own practice, now may be time for you to jump on board. 

You can enrol now to take advantage of the price before the increase and start anytime. Imagine if you could talk about the law of attraction, manifestation and healing all day long and have an abundant income, whilst creating a positive impact in people's lives and changing the world?


If you’re interested in becoming certified and want to find out more, you can see the curriculum and enrolment details here -