The Centre for Healing Blog


Healing with Root-Cause Therapy

generational healing heal healing root-cause therapy traumahealing underlying pain Nov 20, 2023

Quick recap
Melissa shared her personal journey of healing and growth, emphasizing the importance of understanding and processing past traumas and negative patterns. She highlighted how unprocessed emotions and experiences from the past can impact our present lives, leading to physical issues, limiting beliefs, and emotional dysregulation. Melissa also discussed the benefits of root cause therapy and regression therapy, noting how they can lead to a decrease in physical issues and an improvement in memory and concentration. She also touched upon the 'Embody Processing' training program and the root cause survey training offered by the Center for Healing.


Root Cause Therapy: Healing Trauma Origins
Melissa led a discussion about root cause therapy, which focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of people's symptoms, behaviors, thoughts, patterns, and emotions, often stemming from traumas. She guided attendees on how to begin the healing process of these traumas. Melissa, co-founder of the Center for Healing, also shared the origin and development of her therapy method, root cause therapy, which she created with Ryan Hassan. The method evolved from Melissa's work as a life coach and healing therapist and was refined through her work with Ryan, who had struggled with addiction. Due to its success, they had to move into a larger center within six months of its launch, and they also moved their services online before the COVID-19 pandemic. Melissa also shared her personal experiences growing up in a challenging environment and struggling with addiction, which led her to seek coping mechanisms and eventually work in this field to help others dealing with similar issues.

Self-Reflection and Healing: Understanding Past Traumas for Present Growth
Melissa shared her personal journey of self-reflection and healing, emphasizing the importance of understanding and processing past traumas and negative patterns. She highlighted how unprocessed emotions and experiences from the past can affect our present lives, causing physical issues, limiting beliefs, and emotional dysregulation. Melissa also discussed the benefits of root cause therapy, which aims to heal emotional pain and traumas, noting how this can lead to a decrease in physical issues and an improvement in memory and concentration. She emphasized that everyone has the capacity for healing and growth, but it requires looking deeper into the root causes of our current struggles.

Root Cause Therapy Methodology Overview
Melissa discussed the holistic approach to root cause therapy and how it can benefit both individuals seeking personal healing and practitioners looking to enhance their toolkit. She emphasized the importance of structure in conducting a root cause therapy session and the significance of understanding a client's nervous system and background. Melissa highlighted the process of monitoring each area of a client's life and flagging potential areas of focus, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and social life. She also explained the importance of identifying unhelpful thought patterns and coping mechanisms, noting that as clients gain self-awareness, they naturally let go of unhealthy habits. Despite some technical difficulties, Melissa managed to provide a comprehensive overview of the methodology behind root cause therapy sessions.

Hakomi Teachers, Traumas, and Emotional Wellbeing
Melissa discussed the concept of Hakomi teachers and the use of visual learning in their training. She also delved into the topic of traumas, explaining how limiting beliefs created by past experiences can lead to negative patterns and behaviors. Melissa highlighted the role of childhood experiences and the impact they can have on an individual's emotional wellbeing later in life. She also touched upon the process of regression therapy, a method used to uncover and resolve these past traumas. Finally, Melissa mentioned a training program called 'Embody Processing', which is different from root cause therapy but can be combined with it for added benefits.

Root Cause Therapy: Healing Trauma and Limiting Beliefs
Melissa discussed the process of root cause therapy, which involves identifying and releasing trapped emotions related to past traumas or limiting beliefs. She emphasized that this process allows clients to gain clarity and wisdom from their experiences and facilitates post-traumatic growth. Melissa also differentiated root cause therapy from EMDR, noting that the latter sometimes disconnects individuals further from their feelings and can lead to further emotional trauma. Finally, she highlighted the importance of healing future projections and limiting beliefs to help clients achieve their goals and live the life they desire.

Root Cause Survey Training Details
Melissa discussed the details of the root cause survey training offered by the Center for Healing. She highlighted the benefits of the training, including community support, practicality, self-paced learning, and a free certification. Melissa emphasized the importance of guiding clients through a healing journey and creating a supportive space for deep healing work. She also mentioned the global reach of their practitioner directory and the benefits of resolving trauma at the unconscious level. Melissa clarified that the program is internationally accredited and can provide insurance for most countries. She also reminded attendees to take advantage of the free pre-training and encouraged further questions.


If you want to find out more and enroll about Root-Cause Therapy then click this link:


In peace,

The Centre for Healing