The Centre for Healing Blog


Chronic Pain: a Trauma-Informed view with Georgie Oldfield

childhood trauma chronic pain depression distress guidance life guidance support trauma trauma informed trauma sensitive trauma therapy underlying pain Nov 28, 2022

Who is Georgie Oldfield?

Georgie Oldfield MCSP is a leading physiotherapist and UK Specialist in a global, pioneering approach to chronic pain relief which is evidence-based, educational and focuses on self-empowerment.

Rather than focusing on a management approach by addressing the symptoms, this is an approach aimed at identifying and addressing the underlying reasons for the pain/symptoms persisting.

Unresolved emotions from stress and past trauma, as well as beliefs, learned behaviours and personality traits, fear, depression and anxiety may all play a part in the neural circuits involved, persisting.

Georgie is a clinician, educator and author, having published her book, ‘Chronic Pain: Your Key to Recovery’ in 2014 and co-wrote the book, ‘Psychophysiologic Disorders: Trauma Informed, Interprofessional Diagnosis and Treatment’ in 2019.

She also launched her online recovery programme for the public in 2011. Through her training organisation, SIRPA, Georgie developed the first training programme in this field in 2010, enabling health professionals and coaches to learn how to integrate this approach and the concept on which it is based within their own work.

Georgie also speaks widely about this approach, gave a TedX talk in 2019 and since 2015 has organised and hosted 3 international conferences, held at 1 Wimpole Street, the home of the Royal Society of Medicine in London.

What is SIRPA?

Georgie Oldfield MCSP launched SIRPA as a training organisation in 2010 and initially she ran physical courses for health professionals and coaches around the UK, plus one in Spain.

In 2018, with the support of Zoe Thompson who was working as SIRPA’s Operations Manager, she moved the training online.

This allowed her to create a membership to offer to all SIRPA-trained practitioners, providing the ongoing support and guidance so many of them had been requesting.

This has evolved over the years and SIRPA has now trained hundreds of clinicians worldwide in the trauma-informed SIRPA approach to resolving chronic pain and other persistent symptoms.

The membership has become a strong, supportive community of experienced practitioners, all of whom are helping to raise awareness of this exciting mindbody approach to resolving chronic pain and other persistent symptoms, helping individuals regain their lives.

SIRPA Website: 

Embodied Processing Practitioner Training.
Info & Curriculum
Pre-Training Masterclass: 

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