Learn how to heal yourself, and also gain valuable tools to help your clients or loved ones.

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In this comprehensive self-paced course, you will embark on a transformative journey towards self-healing and personal growth.

Over the course of 8 weeks, we will explore a wide range of tools and subjects that will empower you to regulate your nervous system, cultivate self-love, manage your emotions, and remove any limitations that are in your way.

By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to love yourself and feel peace and confidence within.


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What will I learn? 

- Learn how to regulate your nervous system so no matter what happens you can feel calm and safe in your body

- Discover how to experience safety within your body and how this allows you to heal fast

- Practice self care and find self-love like never before

- Get off the healing treadmill and experience true healing that lasts

- Learn valuable tools and processes that you can take your clients through for deeper healings if you are a practitioner

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Learn how to safely start to heal yourself

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Join a Student Community of like-minded individuals to connect with

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Lead by an experienced therapist


We are so excited to finally release these protocols, with the intention purely being aimed at helping you heal yourself. This course will also provide you with a Certificate of Completion (as pictured above). This course is also accredited by IAOTH (International Association of Therapists).

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Week One

Nervous System Regulation
- Learn how to regulate your nervous system so no matter what happens you can feel calm and safe in your body
- Discover how to experience safety within your body and how this allows you to heal fast
- Practice self-care and find self-love like never before
- Get off the healing treadmill and experience true healing that lasts


Week Two

Shadow/Mirror Work
- Uncover the power of shadow work and how it can transform your life
- Understand your emotions and triggers
- Develop curiosity towards your emotions and triggers
- Overcome judgment for yourself and others and replace it with acceptance
- Shift your relationship with the parts of you that you have rejected
- Experience incredible healing and its profound impact on your well-being
- Transform your insecurities fast

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Week Three

Master the art of making decisions that align with your true self
- Move through emotions without judgment to find peace and power
- Overcome resistance and step into your authentic self
- Discover the healing potential of Merkaba healing
- Navigate the common traps that hinder your progress


Week Four

Traps and Inner Exploration 
- Uncover the nature of compulsions/ limiting patterns and how to break free from them
- Identify triggers and activations that hold you back
- Explore the "How old are you?" method for deep self-discovery and healing
- Experience the transformative power of Internal Family Systems (IFS) Discovery

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Week Five

Internal Issues and IFS Self-Healing
- Gain an introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS) and its role in self-healing
- Discover the true essence of the Self and its impact on your well-being
- Learn practical techniques for IFS self-healing
- Participate in a powerful exercise that you can use for life


Week Six

 Inner Child Integration and Self-Love 
- Embrace the process of inner child integration from an IFS perspective
- Cultivate worthiness and self-love to overcome insecurities and wounds
- Address procrastination and self-sabotage by touching your deepest wounds
- Know exactly what is blocking your progress and release it fast
- Get clear on what you truly desire

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Week Seven

Managing Energy and Overcoming Co-Dependency
- Manage your energy and maintain balance with ease
- Release co-dependent tendencies that are stopping you from thriving and feeling empowered
- Understand the saviour complex and where it is harming your relationships
- Know your internal glass ceilings and effortlessly break through them to achieve what you want


Week Eight

 Happiness, Time, Identity, and Purpose 
- Unlock the secrets to lasting happiness and fulfilment
- Explore your relationship with time and how it affects your well-being
- Dive deep into your identity and discover your who you really are
- Find your life's purpose and align your actions with your authentic self

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What you will learn

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Week One

Nervous System Regulation
- Learn the importance of regulating your nervous system for overall well-being
- Discover the concept of safety and how it impacts your healing journey
- Find the middle way between self-care and self-love
- Break free from the healing trap and embrace true healing

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Week Two

Shadow/Mirror Work
- Uncover the power of shadow work and how it can transform your life
- Explore the connection between judging others and masking your own insecurities
- Develop curiosity towards your emotions and triggers
- Learn the "turn it around" method to overcome judgments
- Experience physical emotion healing and its profound impact on your well-being
- Practice orienting yourself and sending love to the parts of you that need healing

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Week Three

Making Decisions and Overcoming Resistance
- Master the art of making decisions that align with your true self
- Embrace the power of allowing emotions and their role in your healing journey
- Overcome resistance and step into your authentic self
- Discover the healing potential of Merkaba healing
- Navigate the common traps that hinder your progress

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Week Four

Traps and Inner Exploration 
- Uncover the nature of compulsions and how to break free from them
- Identify triggers and activations that hold you back
- Explore the "How old are you?" method for deep self-discovery
- Experience the transformative power of Internal Family Systems (IFS) Discovery

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Week Five

Internal Issues and IFS Self-Healing
- Gain an introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS) and its role in self-healing
- Discover the true essence of the Self and its impact on your well-being
- Learn practical techniques for IFS self-healing
- Participate in a powerful exercise that you can use for life

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Week Six

 Inner Child Integration and Self-Love 
- Embrace the process of inner child integration from an IFS perspective
- Cultivate worthiness and self-love to overcome insecurities and wounds
- Address procrastination and self-sabotage by touching your deepest wounds
- Utilise IFS for goal-setting and future visioning
- Reveal the inner child or part that may be blocking your progress

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Week Seven

Managing Energy and Overcoming Co-Dependency
- Learn effective strategies for managing your energy and maintaining balance
- Explore the concept of co-dependency and its impact on your well-being
- Understand the savior complex and its influence on your relationships
- Discover the connection between physical issues and the set-point theory

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Hear from past participants...


Join us on this transformative journey towards self-healing and personal growth. Enroll in our self-paced self-healing course today and unlock your true potential!

Currently on Sale at 50% off for a Limited Time Only

$555 AUD (NORMALLY $1111)
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Embark on a transformative 8-week journey with "The Self-Healing Protocols" by The Centre for Healing. Dive deep into understanding your emotions, relationship dynamics, and the impact of old wounds. Connect with like-minded individuals in a group setting, and gain invaluable insights into your emotional world. Uncover patterns in relationships, heal past wounds, and equip yourself with tangible tools for personal growth. Join our community and unlock the power within you to create a purposeful, joyful, and fulfilling life. Let's embark on this transformative adventure together. Enrol now.

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The promise we give is that you will be given a simple, yet comprehensive understandings and tools to healthily navigate your emotional experiences, as well as an effective processes to work on yourself and also with clients.

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But don't take it from us

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"Provided fresh perspective and some golden a-ha moments 
The Self Healing Protocols have been a great journey to take and provided some great new and affective tools to heal some ongoing challenges I’ve had and for me to pass onto my clients. They also helped me uncover some hidden parts that I needed to integrate, provided fresh perspective and some golden a-ha moments. I feel the protocols are a great addition for everyone’s healing journey and are perfect for supporting one’s self outside of therapy sessions. Thanks Melissa! ❤️"

- Adele Carrington

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It has helped me dig a lot deeper and healed a lot of parts of myself

"Hi, I have recently completed the eight week self healing protocol with Mel and I wanna say how grateful I am to have joined and to be a part of this journey, Mel has created such a wonderful space for us to open up ourselves and be vulnerable. Uh by being honest with us, by being vulnerable herself and sharing her experiences with us with this self healing protocol. It's given me a lot of different tools for me to regulate my own energy and be much more centered within my body. It has helped me dig a lot deeper and healed a lot of parts of myself that I didn't know that I needed healing. Um So yeah, I'm very grateful for that and I'm very happy to have completed it. And if you're thinking about doing it, I highly recommend it because it's it will give you more tools to help you on your healing journey. Thank you."

- Phi Vo - Tour Guide & Healer

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"And that for me was really, really life changing.

Hi there, I'm Jackie and I completed the self healing protocols and I found it really, really helpful for me specifically, I've actually already done a couple of the other courses of the Center for Healing. And the reason I like the self healing protocols so much is because I've already been on a journey of releasing so many beliefs um that have been, you know, keeping me stuck and um reintegrating them. But I had a few beliefs that just a couple of beliefs that I just haven't been able to shift, they're just um I've been working through them, but I haven't been able to integrate them fully and in the self healing protocols, I was able to do this. So Melissa walked us through so many different techniques um for self healing. But the one that really stood out for me and helped me integrate beliefs that were really, um you know, just really, really difficult to release and integrate um was the parts therapy. So, Melissa taught us all about parts therapy, um internal family systems. And through that, I was able to get to know myself at a deeper level, I was able to get to know these beliefs and where they came from at a different, at a deeper level. And that for me was really, really life changing."

- Jacqui Hutton - Hutton Therapy

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The Self-Healing Protocols - Online Course

Learn how to deal with life stressors, triggers and how to be peaceful in the moment

- Lifetime access to course material
- Weekly rituals that you can use for life
- Private Dedicated Community Access

Currently 50% off for a Limited time Only

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The intention behind these protocols, is for the participants to walk away with a deeper connection and understanding of themselves and the ones closest to them.

To know how to deal with the inevitable stressors and triggers that affect us emotionally. 

The trainer and facilitator, Melissa, will guide you on a self-led healing journey, building layer upon layer each week for a more profound sense of self-awareness and transformational tools for actual healing and growth. 

Facilitator - Melissa Hiemann
Co-Founder of The Centre for Healing
Creator of Root-Cause Therapy and Trauma-Information Manifestation Coaching


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